Weekly Word Wednesday: Peiskos

I don’t necessarily like the cold, but I love autumn and wintertime. The changing color of the leaves and frost on plants are just a few things I love about the dropping temperatures. Being able to bundle up is also something I enjoy.

When I was younger, the snow would get up to four feet deep, and nothing felt better than coming inside after playing all afternoon to a warm house. Steam would rise from our wet clothes as we stood around the stove (woodburning) and warmed our frozen fingers and toes.

Now that I’m older, I’m nostalgic for those times. I don’t have a woodburning stove and the most snow I see most years is the few skiffs that usually melt by the next day. I can still imagine the feeling of heat wafting off the black fireplace and the smell of burning wood.

Also, I might be a bit of a pyromaniac, as I also love to play in campfires and have always enjoyed lighting fireworks.